
The color scheme and proportions of the design may vary on the final product compared to the pictures in our gallery and sketches, this is due to the resolution of the screen in which one may see the drawing and also to the nature of the production process our products require to be personalized. Darker colors (such as black) may show blue or brown hues once printed on fabric. The colors may seem different on each kind of fabric due the manufacture process each one.

Import Fee
Some of the packages may pay a importfee (not very often) this is determined by the customs authorithy from the recipients nation. The customer is responsible to fully pay the charge in case of being requiered by the couriers.

Design Rights
We own the rights from any design we make. We help to make or manufacture. If you send us pictures or any file for the design we can use it and sell it to others in our products.

Returns & exchanges
We don't accept returns, exchanges, or cancellations but please contact us if you have any problems with your order.